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My Story

Shezad Karim

I have always enjoyed being active, and football was my number one passion when I was younger.

The thrill, the teamwork, the agility, and skill needed to make it to the top held my attention and kept me hungry.

It was my dream to play the sport I loved as a professional, so I trialled for many large teams including Chelsea and Leeds but... asthma was too severe to make it through, and my dream was over.

This wasn't the first time asthma had held me back so I decided to do something about it. 

At the age of 16 I committed to working on my fitness and change my life.

I started training with weights at home and began running on a regular basis to improve my strength and stamina.

I saw great improvements and simple tasks like walking up the stairs would no longer leave me breathless. 

This is when I joined a gym, I felt it was time!

Shezad Playing Football.jpeg
Shezad and Sarish.jpeg

What Next?

Now I want to empower others and change their lives for the better with improved health and fitness.

I want you to also experience the countless benefits of a healthy lifestyle and show you exactly how to reach your fitness goal.


My programmes are bespoke to your current abilities and tailored to achieve the changes you want to see. Providing you apply my guidance and stay consistent, nothing will stop you. Nothing is impossible, and the sky really is the limit.

Click here to read more about the FITNESS PHILOSOPHY that has carried me through

I changed and so can you!

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I purposely joined the furthest gym for two reasons:

1. I wanted to walk there and continue improving my cardio

2. I wanted to be away from people I knew so I could truly focus

I have always been in awe of Ronaldo's dedication, who inspired my work ethics and compelled me towards a life of athletic development. 

I can honestly say these foundations have kept me mentally strong throughout my journey, especially when progress was slow coming. 

Overtime, my training along with good nutrition, good sleep, and good thoughts have become a way of life and 11 years on, I still go to the gym 6 times a week with a physique and mentality I am now, super proud of.

Oh, and as for the asthma, you wouldn't even know I had it. 

My journey was a tough one, but not being able to live my life to the fullest would have been even tougher.

I knew if I didn't make a change I would suffer, so I listened to the wake up calls and persevered with consistency and determination.

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